Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Everyone will have an opinion

While the Sox will likely fall out of the immediate headlines as the postseason starts up tomorrow, a lot of headlines have been generated over the last couple of days by analyzing what went wrong - led off by the honest thoughts of Theo - the theme of mock outrage that Theo could have done wrong is probably the most amusing response from the Boston and national media so far.

The Sox set out to start clearing house today, letting Ron Jackson and Dave Wallace know early that they wouldn't be brought back - given how highly Ortiz spoke of Jackson when he hit home runs 51 and 52, expect to see at least one Boston media outlet trying to tweak that angle in the next few days. It also makes you think that the clubhouse knew what was going on by that stage - it was only that week that the anonymous "players" started bad mouthing Jackson, the first I would guess that any Red Sox fan even knew an issue existed.

0 threw a strike:

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